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The role of sonography in the diagnosis of chronic puerperal uterine inversion: A case report

Izabelle Julienne A. Figueras, MD and Kareen N. Reforma, MD, FPOGS
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines-Manila

Chronic puerperal uterine inversion is a rare and life-threatening obstetric emergency which requires emergent treatment. We present a case of a 27-year-old Gravida 2 Para 2 (2002) with chronic uterine inversion. A bleeding, 4 x 4 x 5 cm fleshy knob like mass protruding from the cervix, was seen during vaginal inspection. Two-dimensional transvaginal sonography and 3-dimensional imaging clinched the diagnosis of uterine inversion. The patient underwent Haultain’s procedure and was discharged improved with resumption of normal menses. Postpartum transvaginal sonography revealed a normally positioned uterus.