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Giant vulvar fibroepithelial polyp: A case series

Angeli Anne C. Ang, MD and Maria Anna Luisa Festin-Dalawangbayan, MD, FPOGS
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines-Manila

Fibroepithelial stromal polyp, more commonly known as acrochordon, skin tag, or soft fibroma is a type of mesenchymal tumor occurring among women of reproductive age. Fibroepithelial polyp, although the most common cutaneous tumor, is rare in the vulvovaginal region and there is currently no established protocol in approaching these kinds of lesions. Presented here is a series of cases of gradually enlarging labial masses among reproductive age women. These giant vulvar masses presented as solitary, flesh-colored, polypoid masses, initially non-tender but later becoming associated with local pain. Diagnosis is mainly through history, clinical examination aided by ultrasonography, and histopathologic examination, which would show a central fibrovascular core covered with squamous epithelium. Surgical excision serves as both diagnostic and therapeutic modality for these lesions. Vulvar fibroepithelial polyp do not seem to be as rare as literature says, they are relatively easy to diagnose and presents with benign clinical course.