Article Detail
A successful management of an advanced secondary abdominal pregnancy with a live fetus: A case report
Katerine Mae Fernando, MD, Carmencita B. Tongco, MD, FPOGS and Sheryl Ann B. Dela Cruz, MD, FPOGS
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, East Avenue Medical Center
Advanced abdominal pregnancy is associated with catastrophic outcomes for both mother and fetus. Because it is rare, it is often misdiagnosed and the surgery, often unplanned, may end up with uncontrollable hemorrhage and injury to abdominal structures during placental removal. A case of a 21-year-old G1P0, 34 weeks gestation, who presented as a bleeding placenta previa but diagnosed intraoperatively as abdominal pregnancy with a live baby with congenital anomalies, with complete removal of the placenta and with good maternal outcome is presented. This report highlights the pitfalls in diagnosis and stresses the importance of team management, adherence to good surgical principles, and timely operative decisions to ensure a successful outcome when preoperative evaluation is not possible.