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Comparison of the Efficacy of Guava Leaves Extract as Hot Steam and Wash versus Intake of Oral Antibiotic for Postpartum Wound Healing after a Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery with Episiotomy

Shyla Garcia, MD; Eileen Co-Sy, MD, FPOGS, FPSREI, FPSGE; Maria Dolores A. Mercado MD, FPOGS; Unika Leah Angeles, MD, FPOGS
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Angeles University Foundation Medical Center

Objective: This single blind, randomized, controlled trial investigated the efficacy of the use of guava leaves as hot steam and wash for postpartum wound healing in women who underwent normal spontaneous delivery with episiotomy.

Methods: A total of 127 women aged 18 to 45, from 37 to 41 weeks AOG, served as subjects in this study. They were allocated to three treatments arms (guava group, antibiotic group and guava + antibiotic group) through block randomization. The guava group used a solution from boiled guava leaves as hot steam and wash tid for 7 days while the antibiotic group took amoxicillin 500 mg tid also for 7 days. The 3rd arm used both treatments. Outcomes included pain score (measured using Visual Analog Scale) and wound healing (measured using REEDA Scale) at 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days postpartum.

Results: Showed that mean pain scores and mean REEDA scores of the women in the three groups at 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days postpartum were not significantly different. Likewise, the risk of wound dehiscence was not significantly different for the three treatment arms. Therefore, this study revealed that guava leaves extract used as hot steam and wash is as effective as the standard oral antibiotic intake for postpartum wound care but no additional benefit is derived from combining guava leaves and oral antibiotic.

Conclusion: Guava leaves used as hot steam and wash may be recommended for postpartum wound care after normal spontaneous vaginal delivery with episiotomy.