Workshop on Effective Medical Writing and Research Presentations

The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, in collaboration with the Institute of Clinical Epidemiology, will be conducting the “Effective Medical Writing and Research Presentations Workshop” on May 3-5, 2017 at the Buenafe Hall, 3rd floor, Calderon Hall, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila. The workshop features experienced researchers and medical journal editors as resource persons and facilitators for discussions of medical writing guidelines and for practical group and individual exercises.

The workshop is designed for medical practitioners, health workers and writers who are planning, implementing, or have completed a research study and would like to effectively communicate their work through journal articles, technical reports, or presentations. This three-day workshop will discuss topics such as preparation and requirements for a journal article, style and grammar, tables, graphs and illustrations in a journal article, writer’s block, authorship, plagiarism and other ethical issues, citations and references, slides and poster presentations.

A total of 40 slots will be made available to those interested, on a limited first-come, first-served basis. Click here to download the brochure for the workshop.

To reserve a slot, please call Ms. Girlie Monis or Ms. Sandra Lesigues at telephonenumber 525-4098 or email or